Thursday, July 17, 2014

Basketball Camp 2014 Closing Day

It was so great having all of the parents on campus yesterday to watch the guys warm-up and participate in 5 v 5 games. After the last game, coaches gave out awards for different categories and an MVP from each team was named (see the full list below). We look forward to seeing some of these guys as WFS students this fall, and seeing the younger guys back for camp again next year!

2014 Basketball Camp Awards
·      UVA: Robbie Handelsman
·      Syracuse: Wallace Hardison
·      Florida: Elijah Lewis
·      Tennessee: Nathan Tolliver
·      Texas: Kweli Yates and Cole Withers
·      Thunder: Jonathan Argaman
·      Knicks: Sam Neale
FT Champs
·      Tommy Handelsman
·      Mac Asbill
·      Cross Birdsong
·      Ben Faulkner
·      Fuller Carr
·      Jonathan Argaman
·      Ben Faulkner
·      Cole Withers
·      Sam Neale
·      Robbie Handelsman
·      Iceysis Lewis
·      Jack Murrah
1 on 1
·      Baylor Haught
·      Iceysis Lewis
·      Sam Neale

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Basketball Camp 2014 Day 3

During their morning practice, campers went through offensive stations, rotating every seven minutes, before sitting down together to talk about what skills they had learned.

Coach John Allen led a great core values talk on enthusiasm, and how something as simple as encouraging a teammate and letting him know that you have faith in him, can make or break a game. Coach Allen set up a drill that both he and Coach Dawson use when coaching, that requires a lot of enthusiasm from both those participating and those waiting to do so. In the beginning, the campers hesitation got the best of them and as a camp they had to do push-ups due to lack of enthusiasm. Immediately after this however, when the drill began again, I had never heard the Barbee center so loud before. The camp was split into the three courts doing the drill, and as the last age group finished on the middle court, the other two groups came to the center court to cheer them on. This was by far one of the greatest moments I've ever witnessed in all of my years of basketball camp.

After grabbing lunch and resting up, it was back down to the gym for games. The drill and talk from earlier clearly stuck with the campers as they cheered and encouraged one another.

The camp spent yesterday evening down at the outdoor pool, eating pizza, playing corn hole and volleyball, and swimming around. The storm passed through without dampening the night and we ended the evening with a lot of fun and a gorgeous view.

We look forward to seeing parents on campus today for games and awards!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Basketball Camp 2014 Day 2

Yesterday was the first full day of camp, and the day's schedule was packed! The boys had an 8am breakfast in the dining hall before starting warm-ups in the Barbee center. Each team then rotated through a series of defensive stations that were led by coaches.

 After they went through the stations, the camp came together to talk about what they had learned. They also took this time to go over another core value - appreciation. Coaches Aaron Goodson and Will Freshwater led a discussion on appreciating teammates and coaches in both winning situations and losing ones. Throughout various points of the discussion they asked for volunteers to speak up and it was great seeing a lot of the younger 9 and 10 year olds being the first to raise their hands to contribute to the conversation.

5 v. 5 games wrapped up the morning before everyone walked up the hill for lunch.

We were hit with a storm yesterday afternoon, but it did not hinder the camp schedule as the boys met in the Barbee for swim tests in the indoor pool and a core value discussion on integrity led by Coach Thomas Dawson. After more shooting time before and after dinner, the guys enjoyed the Fir Tree before lights out.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Basketball Camp 2014: Day 1

Campers and their parents arrived to Woodberry yesterday morning, and we could not have asked for more beautiful weather! Boys registered, and moved into Down-Finch hall, picking up WFS Basketball Camp apparel before gathering outside for an all-camp meeting. There are many new and familiar faces, and a number of boys that participated in football camp just last week are back again for basketball camp.

The camp walked down to the Barbee Center together and split into age-based teams. After a warm-up, the teams spread out onto the various courts in the Barbee for their own drills and exercises led by their coaches. The camp also has a designated time to go over one of the core values of the camp. Yesterday they discussed unity. 

After lunch in the dining room, campers were able to rest before heading back down to the Barbee Center for their afternoon practice. The boys played 5 v. 5 games, and even on the first day, these games were intense! Coach Dawson told me that he definitely sees some really talented players. 

In the evening, there was a free throw contest before boys were able to head to the Fir Tree for milkshake night. 

You can see more photos from the day in the slideshow below!